Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jackman-demo 2010

Blown out punk. This record has nothing to offer you but loudness, static, and hate. Music for the reckless and careless by the reckless and careless. not for the weak of heart.

Originally a cassette by POSH ISOLATION.

Cervix-Life Fucker 7"

Reverb drenched D-beat from NYC. All of these songs sound so huge you'd swear there was full stacks in your room.

What separates Cervix from the rest of the pack(D-beat wolf pack) is the female vocals and the guitar work, the solos take you back to a 1984 UK when all the bands starting infusing elements of metal into their music. It would be cool to see more of this from Cervix. I feel like D-beat can be a "safe" genre with a lack of experimenting. It only takes a little step forward to make great strides musically.

My ranting aside, this loud brief record is fantastic and will get many plays for sometime to come. Released on VIDEO DISEASE records.


Rational Animals-Bock Rock Parade LP

First word that comes to mind is POWER. This record is fucking powerful and its the best songwriting from these guys to date. This stuff is light years ahead of their previous releases.

The Comparisons to BLACK FLAG have always been mentioned but this shit is straight ROLLINS BAND, its like a more demented LIFE TIME....well maybe not 100% but it has that same unhinged wildness that Rollins was famous for. Zach Gray's howls will have you believe that this bands insanity is very real.

As a whole the album has a great flow which is always a plus. It only helps that most of these songs are so strong that they probably could of made it as singles. This record is also the animals loudest and biggest sounding, it truly is a huge step forward for this band but it comes to no surprise as we all knew they had it in them all along.

Katorga Works.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Leather-Sterile 7" EP

Leather play out of Philly, a cockroach infested dirty pile of land. Their first 7" showed little straight up hardcore influence but a more metalish/dirty rock style that only contributed to the awkward off kilter style of the band. The end result was their own brand of hardcore that reflected their nasty town too perfectly.

Sterile picks up where the first record left off, not too much is different although the band comes off with more angst and the overall sound of the record is a little more cutting. The vocalist still has the wild wails and screams that make this band stand out so much but they feel like they hit the mark better this time around. The song ZEK is the band at their most fierce and really sets the tone for the record as well as bring forward a more hardcore vibe.

With another 7" on the way Leather are gaining momentum and I feel like that soon we will see this band at their finest. STERILE was released on JADE TREE records look for WRETCH out later this month on FAN DEATH.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lower-Demo Cassette

Five moody and dark tracks with an atmosphere similar to that of a dark well. Some similarities to the recently exploding ICEAGE, Lower also hail from Denmark but this is no clone band.

Lowers sound may be in the same vein as ICEAGE but they take it a little slower and create a listen best suited for a rainy day. You wont find any up beat punk riffs on this demo. Lower wield static feedback and a sound that is reminiscent of a stripped down JOY DIVISION.

I don't know too much more about this band. Would be cool to hear more from them. A great demo.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

性交- S/T 7"

Japanese worship in American Hardcore has been going on for some time now but trends aside, if you're going to attempt something like this full on you should make sure its done right. 性交 are on top of things as far as sound goes. This demo quality 7" brings to mind the Japanese greats.

The blown out recording suits the mid tempo beats. The bands overall style and approach is what makes this thing though, you could very well convince one of your friends that this is a reissue of some 80's Japanese band. There are a few small extra touches, some noises here and there and they only compliment the overall experience.

This 7" is a great listen but it didn't really jump out at me too much. Honestly though, as by the book this thing is it still stands out amongst other current releases. Fans of GAUZE and other Japcore bands will probably go nuts over this, and it is deserving of that.

Out August 24th on Video Disease.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Kicking Spit-Psychrockbullshit 12" EP

Not necessarily new but another record I just slept on. So the story behind this thing, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that it was originally a demo tape that was pressed to vinyl by DEPLETED RESOURCE in limited quantities. Then TANKCRIMES came along and gave this thing a "proper" release. So although this is newer then the split with STYMIE on COWABUNGA records its actually older material, if not from the same session. Jeez. Just record new stuff already. Anyways...

These songs are a great getaway from the hardcore/punk norm. Kicking Spit have a style that's really all over the place while still staying within the boundaries of the record. Most people have already said that this is reminiscent of very early DINOSAUR JR. and it is, but I also hear a strong ALL influence, just done a with a little more dirt and noise. Also if you told me BOB MOULD was in this band, I'd probably believe you. So the end result is this pop like college rock that is a little rough around the edges.

Great innovative stuff on this 12". Really looking forward to this band getting together new material and possibly hitting the road again. I would recommend this album to pretty much anybody. As out there as it is, this release just comes together really well.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Scapegoat-S/T LP

Scapegoat play these songs like its the day of rapture. Pulling inspiration from INFEST to DROPDEAD and a touch of abrasiveness a la COLD SWEAT. Scapegoat have released what has potential to be the best powerviolence record of the year. The speed, intensity and hate is just off the charts. Nuff said.

20 tracks with no filler. Painkiller records.
