Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sidetracked/Hummingbird Of Death-Split 6"

I'll begin with the HOD side of this split since thats how i played it. The first thing i heard from this band was the "Meaning of Haste" lp and to be honest at first there was just something about it that rubbed me the wrong way, it seemed like it was missing something but having said that, these 5 songs really caught me off guard. They are all super short fastcore anti anthems but yet very well crafted and usually played at breakneck speeds. It reminds me of when Municipal Waste was good(except these songs aren't about partying down). Its just a great combo of thrash, hardcore and a little bit of "Kill em all" type metal. The last track "Pear Shaped" even has a slight resemblance to the more dragging parts of the album "Bleach" by that one band.

The Sidetracked side leans a little more towards power-violence then metal. The songs are so short that its almost funny the first time around but after I got passed that I realized that these guys aren't fucking around and the songs leave quite an impact. Sidetracked mixes thrash and old hardcore breakdowns for results that are simply crushing and for a brief moment i even detected an abrasiveness similar to bands like Cold Sweat.

Kinda a long review for a short record, you can probably be done listening to it before you read all this. This split was released on the black coffee drinkin', life hatin', and curvy women lovin' Cowabunga Records. It is a must have for fans of blast beats and fastcore.

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