Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Crooked Cross-S/T 7"


Black metal mixed with hardcore, more the former though. You could say this is hardcore but with all the noise and aesthetics the bm is more prominent. Crooked Cross play out of Georgia and are members of other bands similar to this. The recording is blown out and has that demo like quality to it.

The songs that had the most going for them where FIRST REDEEMER and COMMUNION, I felt like the rest just seemed typical to this genre. Not bad but not anything to write home about. Personally I'm not really a black metal guy, I like some of it here and there but I wasn't crazy about this. I feel like good black metal has to have solid riffs or is just completely over the top.

Ever since I heard these are the same guys that did the 性交 7" I feel like that maybe these little side project bands should stay in the demo cassette stage or should of been self released. Thats just my opinion though, it is my blog after all.

I would feel wrong not saying this is a little DRY but that shouldn't bother the label cause this shit is SOLD OUT.


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