Monday, October 3, 2011

Passive Aggressor-S/T 7"

Graded: MOIST

Didn't really know what to expect going into this record, felt like it could of gone either way but these three tracks did not disappoint. Passive Aggressor's style is super disconnected and brings to mind the later and more broken sounding FLAG songs such as THE SWINGING MAN. Theres also a heavy weird rock vibe a la THE JESUS LIZARD, this uncomfortable noise is very much in the foreground and brings the record together nicely.

I would like to see this band do more though, since they seem to have their musical chops down, I mean the three tracks on here are great but the record as a whole lacks variety. All in all though, I'd say this 7" makes for a great and unique listen and is definitely worth your time.

Though this record is only graded MOIST I would like to say a few words about the label. 16OH is the label that put out the first SLICES 7". They could of very well rode that train and released tons of music just like that and attempt to cater to the crowd that would eventually grow to eat that kind of stuff up. Instead 16OH does whatever the hell they want and puts out neat gems like this. In short "Good label, Backed hard".

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