Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Brain F≠ - Sleep Rough LP

Graded: WET

I never picked up the Brain Flannel 7"'s, there I said. Just never got around to it, plus I never read anything about them that made me want to jump up and check them out I don't know if they played out here either, if they did I missed it. So I just bought this along with some other stuff cause I figured why not, been doing that a lot lately, so far its worked out in my favor. As I listened to this album for the first time I felt almost instantly that I was going to love it. I really don't know where to begin.

Brain F≠ hail from NC and sound more progressive than most hardcore coming out of NY or LA. One could just say this is melodic hardcore and leave it at that, but theres something more going on that makes this bands sound unique. The Album has a subtle garage sound going on, it was recorded in a garage after all though. The guitars have that sharp hardcore hugeness going on but when placed with this front woman's vocals there is somewhat of a clash happening. She sings so casual its almost unsettling at times, it just works though. I can honestly say I can't remember hearing anything like it. Saying this is all hardcore would be misleading though, there are some rock inspired riffs in the mix as well and it can't go unmentioned because I feel it completes the bands style, and keeps things catchy.

I could keep going on about this band but I think you get it, this shit is great. A solid listen all the way AND the first record to be rated WET(!) by the blog. Not too shabby for a debut LP.

Grave Mistake and Sorry State records.

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