Thursday, October 13, 2011

Night Birds- The Other Side Of Darkness LP


The full length album from the Night Birds is here and fans of this band will be foaming at the mouth while this thing is playing. It is easily their best collection of songs from the lyrics about horror movies to the flawless execution of the surf punk guitar work. Having said that, know that this album will most likely only please those who are into this kinda of stuff. So before you read on just know that if you can't dig the pop or surf vibes then this thing isn't for you.

The Other Side Of Darkness shows the band pulling out all the stops. The short fast tunes with some nods to hardcore chime in now and again, as those are good, the real meat and potatoes comes from the longer tunes where we see the band expand their sound(only slightly though) as well as knock out the familiar surf riffs. The first song on the album DEMON HAUNTED WORLD is probably the band at their best, its a mixture of what they do best along with just a glimmer of something new and different. More songs like that and this band could do know wrong.

Outside the handful of stand out songs, I feel like there is a little too much filler on the album. I mean it flows nice and everything but again unless this is the sound you live for you may get bored. It just seems like the energy isn't there the whole time. I will say though if you love AGENT ORANGE and other O.C. bands from that era than this band is the second coming.

Grave Mistake Records.

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