Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Putting Calamitous Being on hold for a few weeks. Probably won't be back to regular activity until the new year but will definitely have an update by December.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

State Violence-S/T 7"

Graded: WET

Members of other DC bands come together to form probably the best band in DC. State Violence is blown out, laced with static and pulls out the best moves from hardcore, raw punk, and d-beat alike. Just a textbook performance that puts other bands playing this kind of stuff to shame. Everything just gels from the over powering, cutting guitar to the solid drumming. These guys have great energy and can fucking play and that puts them a cut above the rest.

Hesitation Wound Records

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Social Circkle-Expiration Date 7"

Graded: DRY

Social Circkle's final 7" falls short. All the elements that made this band great just seem to be echos on this record. It really feels like they just gave up, not even one song really stands out, theres no anthems and the fast songs are just fast punk songs with no flare or style, something Social Circkle was once known for.

Really bummed to have to say all of this but I just can't get into this 7", its OK at best. Don't get me wrong, when this band was good it was REALLY fucking good but I just can't settle on this one. Get this thing if you feel you really need to complete your discography otherwise you can probably just skip it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Night Birds- The Other Side Of Darkness LP


The full length album from the Night Birds is here and fans of this band will be foaming at the mouth while this thing is playing. It is easily their best collection of songs from the lyrics about horror movies to the flawless execution of the surf punk guitar work. Having said that, know that this album will most likely only please those who are into this kinda of stuff. So before you read on just know that if you can't dig the pop or surf vibes then this thing isn't for you.

The Other Side Of Darkness shows the band pulling out all the stops. The short fast tunes with some nods to hardcore chime in now and again, as those are good, the real meat and potatoes comes from the longer tunes where we see the band expand their sound(only slightly though) as well as knock out the familiar surf riffs. The first song on the album DEMON HAUNTED WORLD is probably the band at their best, its a mixture of what they do best along with just a glimmer of something new and different. More songs like that and this band could do know wrong.

Outside the handful of stand out songs, I feel like there is a little too much filler on the album. I mean it flows nice and everything but again unless this is the sound you live for you may get bored. It just seems like the energy isn't there the whole time. I will say though if you love AGENT ORANGE and other O.C. bands from that era than this band is the second coming.

Grave Mistake Records.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Brain F≠ - Sleep Rough LP

Graded: WET

I never picked up the Brain Flannel 7"'s, there I said. Just never got around to it, plus I never read anything about them that made me want to jump up and check them out I don't know if they played out here either, if they did I missed it. So I just bought this along with some other stuff cause I figured why not, been doing that a lot lately, so far its worked out in my favor. As I listened to this album for the first time I felt almost instantly that I was going to love it. I really don't know where to begin.

Brain F≠ hail from NC and sound more progressive than most hardcore coming out of NY or LA. One could just say this is melodic hardcore and leave it at that, but theres something more going on that makes this bands sound unique. The Album has a subtle garage sound going on, it was recorded in a garage after all though. The guitars have that sharp hardcore hugeness going on but when placed with this front woman's vocals there is somewhat of a clash happening. She sings so casual its almost unsettling at times, it just works though. I can honestly say I can't remember hearing anything like it. Saying this is all hardcore would be misleading though, there are some rock inspired riffs in the mix as well and it can't go unmentioned because I feel it completes the bands style, and keeps things catchy.

I could keep going on about this band but I think you get it, this shit is great. A solid listen all the way AND the first record to be rated WET(!) by the blog. Not too shabby for a debut LP.

Grave Mistake and Sorry State records.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Passive Aggressor-S/T 7"

Graded: MOIST

Didn't really know what to expect going into this record, felt like it could of gone either way but these three tracks did not disappoint. Passive Aggressor's style is super disconnected and brings to mind the later and more broken sounding FLAG songs such as THE SWINGING MAN. Theres also a heavy weird rock vibe a la THE JESUS LIZARD, this uncomfortable noise is very much in the foreground and brings the record together nicely.

I would like to see this band do more though, since they seem to have their musical chops down, I mean the three tracks on here are great but the record as a whole lacks variety. All in all though, I'd say this 7" makes for a great and unique listen and is definitely worth your time.

Though this record is only graded MOIST I would like to say a few words about the label. 16OH is the label that put out the first SLICES 7". They could of very well rode that train and released tons of music just like that and attempt to cater to the crowd that would eventually grow to eat that kind of stuff up. Instead 16OH does whatever the hell they want and puts out neat gems like this. In short "Good label, Backed hard".

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Crooked Cross-S/T 7"


Black metal mixed with hardcore, more the former though. You could say this is hardcore but with all the noise and aesthetics the bm is more prominent. Crooked Cross play out of Georgia and are members of other bands similar to this. The recording is blown out and has that demo like quality to it.

The songs that had the most going for them where FIRST REDEEMER and COMMUNION, I felt like the rest just seemed typical to this genre. Not bad but not anything to write home about. Personally I'm not really a black metal guy, I like some of it here and there but I wasn't crazy about this. I feel like good black metal has to have solid riffs or is just completely over the top.

Ever since I heard these are the same guys that did the 性交 7" I feel like that maybe these little side project bands should stay in the demo cassette stage or should of been self released. Thats just my opinion though, it is my blog after all.

I would feel wrong not saying this is a little DRY but that shouldn't bother the label cause this shit is SOLD OUT.