Thursday, December 23, 2010

Volcanic Slut-Blasphemaster 7"

Members of Horrid Cross and Nazi Dust come together and unleash this textbook onslaught of thrash metal. No frills or filler just 3 tracks that put other bands in this genre to shame. Solos and pick scratches are perfectly placed while the drums never let up.

Cool packaging complete with skulls and tits. Vinyl Rites.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bloodshot Year(Nothings Changed)

Calamitous Being was started a year ago today. Offering nothing but opinion I will continue posting reviews as long as records compel me to do so.

This time of year people like to recap everything and talk about "The Best Of The Year", even though the same 5 records make it on every list. I don't believe this is because everyone is following hype or trends but because those bands really did accomplish something special.

A Few Honorable Mentions:
Raw Nerve-LP
Crazy Spirit-7"
Merchandise-Strange Songs
Urban Blight-Total War
Pollution-Registered Smut

Monday, December 13, 2010

Brain Car-Rock N Roll Bologna 7"

More Rochester stuff. Catchy stripped down melodies that are extremely manic to say the least. Screeching vocals that cry out against everyday normality that brings to mind early O.C. punk with a touch of extra weirdness. Play this thing and I'm sure a few songs will get stuck in your head. Recommended for fans of Holy Shit! and KBD madness.

Record actually comes with bologna(not stoked) and super thick cardboard glue pockets(stoked). Another Reel Time production and i cant wait for more.

Oral Fixations-Audio Zine CS

I really like the idea of this tape, its a great concept and something you don't see everyday. 14 stories in 2 hours, its a lot to take in all at once and is a bit on the long side. At times these stories are hilarious, interesting, gross or extremely dark. There a few on here that I will never forget and probably give more then one listen and then there are some that are just not interesting at all. Not everyone makes a good story teller and some of them tend to just rant. Members of Loser Life and Coke Bust contribute stories to keep things punk.

The best part about all this is that it reminded me of all the crazy shit I did when I was a kid and insane things that happen on tour. Once again though this is a great concept. While the packaging is not insane it suits the format.

Released by Vinyl Rites.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Narcs-I Want Dope, I Want Pussy, I Want All That Shit 7"

Great sloppy simple punk done right. The Narcs play from where else but Rochester NY and they have put together an awesome bunch of catchy songs that are sure to get stuck in you head. Need a break from all that serious stuff? Then try this stupid punk record! Be reminded of when you were 14 and didn't care about anything except your Angry Samoans records.

All joking aside this is a great record that is super refreshing and has plenty of nods to punk and hardcore of yesteryear. Released by Reel Time records.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

White Guilt-S/T LP

After releasing a couple of tapes White Guilt tackle the LP format and go for broke with this 45 rpm full length that has a real take no prisoners approach. Hailing from up state NY White Guilt is ready to share their take on modern hardcore.

The album is mostly breakneck fast tunes with the occasional surprise breakdown or abrasive bridge, this helps keep things interesting. All though the faster tracks are good the better moments are when the band slows things down, its these songs and parts of songs that the band comes off super heavy and the dark atmosphere of the record comes alive. On the last track "Comatose" there is almost a Sabbath like vibe in the drum and guitar work, and its just one of those times where little kicks like that pay off.

The overall production hits hard with the wall of sound approach while the vocals this time around have a little extra reverb that I think they could of gone without. There is a fair amount of feedback and static the help create a larger presence. The packaging and aesthetics suit this release but its nothing mind blowing.

This would be the first LP on Video Disease records who has built momentum and earned a following. Looking forward to whats next for this label.
500 pressed. 100 on white.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nuclear Family-S/T LP

When I first got my hands on their s/t ep I was truly taken back by all 3 well constructed catchy punk tunes. So when I heard they had put together a full length i had to get my hands on it and once again this band captures something special. Nuclear Family are based out of Albany NY a town that i have been to twice, both times it was wet and gloomy(in the summer)its a city that feels smaller then most and not very busy. It seem as though at one point Albany had the noise of a major cramped city but now it has stopped. The short time i was there it felt almost like it was deserted. The sound this group produces reflects their town perfectly.

The album delivers the same quality as the 7". No drastic changes are made and the band seems to stick with a formula but not so much that your going to hear the same song twice. Theres a good mix of gripping songs with heavy riffs and quick somewhat upbeat toe tappers. Like the 7" everything has a haunting sound thats perfect for the female vocals to float over.

So all though there is no break through in the bands sound or song structure this LP still makes for a great listen and i feel is the bands finest hour. Seems like not too many bands can hack the full length format but Nuclear Family shines which is what Lps are for in my opinion.

Tour press on Loud Punk.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tenement-False Teeth EP

Pop punk played by hardcore nerds, hardcore nerds happen to make the best pop punk for some reason. 3 melodic tunes that makes me think of a dirtier Ergs! or a more intense more layered Screeching Weasel but this thing has enough going on to stand on its own merits. 2 shorter faster ones on the a-side that will probably have you wanting to hear them again before the b-side. Speaking of the b-side, you get one slower more melancholy song that reminds us of those cold nights you somehow manage to end up drinking beer in your car after a "talk" with you ex-girlfriend. Highly recommended for everyone.

Tenement play out of the Milwaukee area and the Midwestern charm is very apparent on this 7". Released on Rock Bottom records, 500 pressed.

Bloodtype-S/T EP

Super charged straight edge that you simply can not ignore. Bloodtype takes traditional straight edge hardcore turns up the volume and plays every note with the angst and speed needed to keep you going. Don't worry though they throw in some mosh parts too. So far Bloodtype has displayed all the qualities that make a great band, its nothing we haven't seen before but for fans of straight up no gimmick hardcore this EP is a must have.

Bloodtype hail from NJ and show no sign of stopping. Cowabunga records does it again, 500 pressed with 100 on color.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Regulations-To Be Me LP + 7"

Not that recent of an album but just one i slept on. This is the 3rd LP released by this band and it may not have impacted me like their first one did but it still makes for a great listen.

Regulations have always had a sense of urgency that really set them apart from other bands, catchy lyrics and riffs just aren't enough now n days but these guys really sink their teeth into it and their energy just makes everything that much better. "To Be Me" has a good mix of songs the band expands their sound with the more layered "Baghdad Beach Party", give you classic punk tracks like "Problem Solved" and experiment with "To Be Me"(personal favorite). Like i said above it didn't really slap me in the face like the 1st LP but its a good collection of songs and fans of this band will find themselves going back to hear more of this record.

The bonus 7" contains older tracks from a live radio session and is cool if you want to hear alternative takes of your favorites. "To Be Me" was released by Deranged records.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Born Bad-In The Dark 7"

Born Bad was a band that I never really payed too much attention to. I don't know what it was but i remember hearing them and just never felt the need to pick up their records right away. I saw them play twice(they were better the second time) and thought that i should probably pick up an e.p. but just never got around to it. It was nothing personal i wasn't violently against listening to them, they seemed like alright guys too. A couple of weeks ago my buddy got some records he bought wholesale and this was one of them, so I finally decided to get a Born Bad record, it was worth it.

"In The Dark" is the perfect record for this band Its got everything they have done in the past but this time around they throw in some extra feedback and instead of blazing through every song they slow things down even drag at times. The songs do not rely on atmosphere though the band plays them well and you can tell that they wanted you to feel the hate through the riffs as well as the lyrics.

Born Bad hasn't changed who they are or what they do though, thats the thing this is still a Born Bad record. Here is a band who has managed to find a sound that works for them and at the same time craft their best songs to date. What more could you ask for?

These Canadian homeboys are busy running their label HOME INVASION and have already released some of the better 7"s this year. Despite some rumors of Born Bad calling it quits i have reason to believe we may see at least one more release from them. "In The Dark" was released on Home Invasion records. 500 were pressed.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Eunuch-S/T 7"

Well executed power-violence with a touch of 90's crust overtones. Eunuch is dark and relentless with "thinkin mans" lyrics, a great blend of everything a lot of bands tend to miss. This six song 7" hits the nail on the head, the dead air, feedback and muffled vocals tie in perfectly with this bass driven music.

Members of Libyans and General Interest. Look for this in your favorite distros.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Weekend Nachos-Bleed 12" e.p.

Weekend Nachos have been playing power-violence and sludge inspired hardcore for quite some time now and with every release the band manages to out do themselves and make their sound bigger and badder, "Bleed" is no exception either.

"Bleed" is a 2 song 12" that shows the band leaving behind the 30 second grinders and the epic blazers from previous albums but instead focus on a slower doomy sound that sets a stark mood which suits this band well. Both tracks are well crafted and lean more towards the sludge influence more then anything but also have enough chord and tempo changes to keep you interested. This time around the Nachos seem even more crushing as the music drags while the hateful vocals bring forward the pain and negativity this band is famous for. The A-side is the title track(a new song) and the B-side is actually an older song rerecorded both of which are on the long side and drag perfectly into oblivion.

I will say though i do miss the shorter faster songs and hope the band hasn't completely abandoned that style. Either way this record is a bleak journey and a good look at what Weekend Nachos is capable of. "Bleed" was released by Relapse records and had 105 on clear(not for the public) 105 on white and 556 on black vinyl.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Crazy Spirit-S/T 7"

I haven't felt this way since the very first time i heard Rudimentary Peni, just dirty and pessimistic but somewhat enlightened afterwords. Crazy Spirit is a newish band from the NYC area and I think they have managed to create something unique without being pretentious about it(they come off as a band you would just want to party with) and at the core you can tell that this is just raw punk.

The Record starts out with a slow dragging hard rock riff that would have you believe you are in store for some Tee Pee records stoner jams. Then the song "The Burning Churches" kicks in with a little more speed but the riffs are just as catchy as the intro. The vocals tear in and take you by surprise its like if Darby Crash and Nick Blinko had a baby and raised it in the south.

The A-side and B-side are a little different from each other and i mean that in a good way. You get the tribalistic hard rock Gismish stuff on the A-side and just when you think you have the bands sound pegged down they switch it on you. The B-side brings on the crust/raw punk influence that many have already compared to Cheetah Chrome Motherfuckers. The band burns through this side of the record like its made of napalm and the pay off is huge.

I have heard that Crazy Spirit has got more planned for the future and i cant wait to get my hands on what they do next. The packaging that holds this 7" is great, comes with an envelope so if it turns out this isn't your thing you can just seal it shut forever. Released on Toxic State records. Get on it cause this band is about to blow up.

Men's Interest-More War 7"

All hail Men's Interest, super heavy and driving hardcore from members of bands you care about. 6 songs laced with breakneck speeds with starts and stops as well as moments that will have you nodding your head, all of which induce anger. The recording is perfect and has the balance of being dirty without drowning out anything and is just menacing. There are times that you are just swallowed by it, the guitar wails in demented ways as the bass and drums just dig into your skin all the while the vocals give us everything they have. At the heart of this 7" you can feel that this is real hate and the record sounds like a monster because it is one.

First press of 500 with more to come. Brought to you by Home Invasion records.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ecoli-Swarm On The Swine 7"

Ecoli is one of those bands that i feel has perfected their sound and just are really the only ones that can do what they do. "S.O.T.S" is probably the closest thing to a live set they have released, it's violent, brief, and can leave you wanting more. It is somewhat different from previous records which can be a good thing, i mean who really wants to sound exactly the same on every record, some of the best bands vary from album to album.

The recording this time around may have missed the mark. Its a little too noisy at times and the vocals(a key factor in what makes them so intense) are buried and can be hard to spot at times that they should shine.

Despite any small flaws this is truly an ugly record and for me the last song "Wind Chimes" stands out amongst the other two and sums up the dark and brooding mood of this very short record. As far as comparisons go(for those who have yet to hear this band)think Deep Wound meets the weirdness of "Animosity" era C.O.C and bands like United Mutation.

Ecoli are busy writing and recording a full length album which is very exciting as i am sure it will display everything these guys have in their arsenal. "Swarm On the Swine" was released on Stress Domain Records. 500 were pressed.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Mark Sheehan-RIP

Mark Sheehan was the lead singer of Out Cold. Out cold had been playing hardcore punk now for 20 years, their whole career they were one of the most underrated and overlooked bands. If you have any of their records take the time and really listen to them and im sure you will see that they stand in a league of their own. For those of you who have not heard Out Cold you have been missing out.

Mark Sheehan was 41 years old. RIP.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sidetracked/Hummingbird Of Death-Split 6"

I'll begin with the HOD side of this split since thats how i played it. The first thing i heard from this band was the "Meaning of Haste" lp and to be honest at first there was just something about it that rubbed me the wrong way, it seemed like it was missing something but having said that, these 5 songs really caught me off guard. They are all super short fastcore anti anthems but yet very well crafted and usually played at breakneck speeds. It reminds me of when Municipal Waste was good(except these songs aren't about partying down). Its just a great combo of thrash, hardcore and a little bit of "Kill em all" type metal. The last track "Pear Shaped" even has a slight resemblance to the more dragging parts of the album "Bleach" by that one band.

The Sidetracked side leans a little more towards power-violence then metal. The songs are so short that its almost funny the first time around but after I got passed that I realized that these guys aren't fucking around and the songs leave quite an impact. Sidetracked mixes thrash and old hardcore breakdowns for results that are simply crushing and for a brief moment i even detected an abrasiveness similar to bands like Cold Sweat.

Kinda a long review for a short record, you can probably be done listening to it before you read all this. This split was released on the black coffee drinkin', life hatin', and curvy women lovin' Cowabunga Records. It is a must have for fans of blast beats and fastcore.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Urban Blight-Total War 7"

Urban Blight follow up their fantastic 12" e.p. with a 5 song 7" and once again i am left in a state of awe. The bands wall of noise and feedback makes these classic hardcore songs sound so full. "Total War" opens up with the out of control "Your Abuse" and blasts through the A-side mixing things up here and there with textbook breakdowns and a fair share of catchy mid temp parts. The B-side seals the deal with a well placed steady anthem, "Social Order", and the chaotic "Absolute Control". This thing is really well put together and is a super punishing record. I cant wait to see how far this band takes it and already anticipate another release but even if they were to call it quits tomorrow i would be o.k. because the quality of what they have already released is way above anything i could of asked for. This band is highly recommended and their sound is truly devastating.

Released on Static Shock records a limited color edition was an option.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Holy Shit!-K.B.D.O.O.P 10"

The midwestern party animals are back with a slew of new songs that beckon to be played over and over again. This record oozes with everything that makes Holy Shit! a great band, it showcases all their quirkiness, angst, and talent shown on previous albums all in one neat little package. K.B.D.O.O.P hits you dead on at great speeds and with every little stop, start, twist and turn you will find yourself being lifted up and down awaiting the next song. Holy Shit! has always had a sense of fun about them as a band and as people which is why I think I'm so intrigued by them, but having their musical chops down probably doesn't hurt either. This may not be a breakthrough record or the band reaching new heights but it delivers in a way only they can.

If you have yet to check out this band I suggest you get on it cause you wont find anything like this anywhere else in hardcore today. This 10" was put out by Criminal IQ records there is a limited version on colored vinyl that includes a cd.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Insubordinates-S/T LP

Easily one of the top 5 albums of 2010. After sitting on a demo and a single on Feral Kid records the Insubs dish out this rock n roll masterpiece that transcends genres and still manages to keep everything together and whole just the way you like it. Just as many of us predicted, Rochester has blown up with these guys at the helm.

Insubordinates combine early rock n roll sounds ala the Sonics and Ventures while looking in the direction of the Adolescents. Throw in some sax and you have a record that will blow the walls right off your bedroom. The guys decided to go with a reel to reel recording that really makes the album come together, i mean it sounds like a vintage rock record, but nothing that came out back then was as demented or furious like this.

Some of the songs like the instrumental "Nagasaki" feel huge and have that surf city vibe going on and others like "Cuckoo Cass E" Really bring on the bite,slam down hard and bring to mind "Welcome to Reality". The band does all of this and still manages to keep it all together and nothing ever feels out of place. The layout is incredible as well and just seals the deal in giving the record a very retro look.

I'm not usually a fan of bands doing the skate punk/surf rock thing, it never has the level of intensity i like or just doesn't seem real but having met these guys on several occasions i can tell that they believe in what they are doing. There is a level of authenticity, I know these guys have a rock n roll mentality and they know their music shit too. So this is not just some JFA worship crap put together by some kids living off their parents dime. This is the real shit and it stands out above the rest.

The Insubordinates S/T album was put out by the superb Cowabunga Records and is still available from them and other distros. If you are looking for something different but yet very familiar then this is the thing for you, even if you're not you still need this though. 500 copies black vinyl.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Idi Amin And The Amputees-Disco Bitch 7"

KBD "We don't give a shit." style production never sounded so good in 2010. Idi Amin bash out 2 simple sing along hits chalk full of jr. high drop out humor lyrics that will have you flipping this record over again and again. You know what to expect, fuzz tone guitars and snot nosed vocals that have a real retro vibe. You can probably tell your friends this is some lost 1978 gem you scored at the dollar store and chances are they will believe you. Not too shabby for a quick side project.

Idi Amin And The Amputees was release by Going Underground Records 500 were pressed. Find it in any distro.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Masshysteri-S/T LP

Masshysteri are back and sounding better then ever this time they add a second guitar player and perfect their sound to a science. This their 2nd LP combines elements from their other records and extra moody overtones creating a sound that is not unlike the Dangerhouse releases but comes off with a lot more texture. At times you can hear faint echos of Joy Division, and something else that i cant quite put into reminds me of the mid to late 80's when everybody was experimenting and a lot of "New Wave" bands were popping up and bands that had been around were adding these little twist to their music.

Masshysteri take their time with this album and work you into it song by song and before you know it you are completely drawn in and i personally found myself a drift in every layered track. They got tons going on here but it works out in a way thats not too overwhelming. I can see some people turning away from this since its not really an intense punk thing like The Vicious were and it is somewhat on the long side but i feel like those who are already invested in the group will be very pleased.

So i have come to love this group and cant stop playing this album. 10 tracks of phenomenal, well thought of and layered punk inspired pop. Masshysteri's S/T album was put out on Ny Vag and Feral Ward records and can be found in your favorite distros.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Total Abuse-Mutt LP

Taking things slowly off the deep end Total Abuse come back with another full length that may not be as surprising as the last but to me comes off just as good.

When this thing first hit there was a lot of talk of the band expanding far beyond anything they had done in the past and leaving their old sounds behind. All though the band does add some changes this time around its nothing major. For the most part I believe this album would please fans of the last LP, overall it continues where they left off and makes for a good sequel.

The recording strikes me as a little more on the lo-fi side and reminds me of the demo/sex pig recordings. The vocals are more gruff and the guitars and bass blend together a littler more which makes some songs have a "wall of sound" effect. The lyrics continue to be stripped and come off like chants more than anything.

"Mutt" may not be a hit after hit kind of record but its got some great jams on it that come off familiar but aren't exact replicas of past songs. I still think the Lp debut is more intense as I feel it almost tells a story all the way through, while this one kind of lacks that sense of direction.

So all in all id say "Mutt" is a good record without any major weak points and Total Abuse continue to focus on perfecting their sound. It may not hit quite as hard as the previous LP but it certainly has its moments and should have you coming back to enjoy your favorites.

Released on PPM with 100 on white wax and 900 on black. Comes with a booklet, download code and not so good artwork.
available from various distros and best buy(no joke).

Monday, July 19, 2010

Iron Lung-Exposed 7"

Iron Lung is probably one of the only bands that deserves all the hype that surrounds them. On this one sided 7" they burn through 3 songs like they were made of napalm with all the best starts, stops, breakdowns and noise you crave.

Two original songs with lyrics that are a true homage to the sadness, hate, fear, and rottenness that fills up in the world every single day. The other song is a Sex/Vid cover which could be a tribute to their friends or an attempt to put them to shame, either way its a success.

A band made up of two dudes never sounded so full. Got a chance to see them live two times this past month on their tour with Slices and i can say that they are probably one of the best bands I have seen so far this year. Speaking of live shows that is the only way to get this puppy i believe it is a "Gig Only" vinyl, now on its second(?) press on red wax.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Thieves-Positive Vibrations 7"

Thieves is a newer band playing out of Raleigh NC, where recently a lot of kids have been inspired by bands old and new and are creating bands of their own as well as running a terrific scene that hosts some great shows.

Thieves wear their inspirations and influences on their sleeve and i can sense that there is a lot that they want to cover, this can be good or bad. Positive Vibrations is all over the place and i found the a-side kind of hard to follow, the songs just don't seem to go anywhere. The b side however comes together quite well and its the stronger side by far. It just seems to fit the band and the sound of the record better.

The production on Positive vibrations is probably my favorite part it comes across loud and chalk full of power while staying clean enough to suit the bands more melodic moments, the overall sound reminded me of the better Youth Brigade songs. Id give the a side on this thing a 2/5 and the b side a 3.5/5. If your looking for something thats abrasive with a little bit of melody and some fast thrashy parts that comes off with a real in your face attitude then this might be your thing.

Despite some flaws I have faith that this band can go on to do great things and i look forward to their next effort. Positive Vibrations was released by To Live a Lie records and Suburbanite records, 500 copies were pressed.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Divorce Money drops their 7" debut upon us and it is quite the single. Both the A and B side supply mid tempo jams that will have you nodding your head to them in no time. "Names" and "Use your imagination" are mixed with both catchy and demented parts.The sound strikes me as a garage or basement style recording delivering the raw sound of the instruments creating a very live atmosphere. This group wields pounding drums, distortion, and dry howling vocals(with little or no effects added to them) quite well. A great minimalist style punk, showing us that you can still come off out of control, wild, and furious with just a couple of riffs.

This is the 3rd release from Video Disease records. I would probably mark this one their second best release so far.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Innumerable Forms-Dark Worship 7"

Innumerable Forms strikes with straight forward death metal and these 3 songs are textbook and i mean that in a good way. Everything you would want out of a death metal 7". At times its slow and dragging and others its fast, steady and up front but it always retains the brutal sounds of old and nods to the classics. For fans of Convulse or anybody looking for something other then the next hardcore reissue. They dont try to dress this up or package it as something its not, just death metal because as the insert reads "only death is real". This was all done by one dude who happens to be a member of a band you probably give a crap about.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Back in Action?

Been busy/lazy, I really havent been picking up too many records and its a damn shame. Maybe when I get a better job ill have more record flow and more inspiration to do the blog, in the meantime ill probably be only updating this thing once a month if i can remember. i really started this for myself more than anything.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bad Taste-I Was A Teenaged Jack The Ripper 7"

This record was actually quite a surprise, Bad Taste have been playing snot nosed punk for quite some time now and i have actually had the pleasure of seeing them live but i was expecting this(their 7" debut) to be a little more sloppy and have more of a "we don't give a shit attitude" alla Critical Picnic. Critical Picnic was a complete joke though, this record is actually good. Using inspiration from early 80's punk on both coasts and an old(but not shitty) sounding recording Bad Taste deliver a record that actually stands out amongst others trying to do the same. At times there is even a harshness to the vocals and music that leaves just a hint of 90's Clevo hardcore(well just Gordon Solie Motherfuckers but who cares)inspiration.

Released by Feral Kid Records, don't sleep.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Raw Nerve-S/T LP

An a-side full of no bullshit relentless hardcore, pounding drums, cutting guitars, grinding bass, and distant/distorted vocals. Whatever this band had in their arsenal they unleashed here. The B-side holds quite a secret that calls for closer inspection. No comparisons just blistering fast hardcore. A brief and blunt review to match a brief and blunt record.

Youth Attack! records. Sold out.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Ergs!-Thrash Compactor 7"

Finally the very last Ergs! record is here. A split release on Grave Mistake records and Firestarter records. Though this is only a one sided 7" and is probably in the neighborhood of 4 minutes it is still quite a treat. These 5 Songs were recorded some time ago during the session that ended up becoming the "Cotton Pickin' Minute" record(the country album) but apparently they also recorded some on the spot hardcore songs that day. Don't expect these songs to still retain that Ergs! melodic touch because these tracks are straight forward hardcore that bring to mind early AOD records and the shorter faster more obscure Descendents songs.

The packaging is great and comes with a download code for the jobless punk on the go. I dont know who did the artwork or layout for this but it definitely got the "Hardcore Makeover" and looks like a Government Warning 7" which suits it well.

buy it here:

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fossil Fuel-Christmas Sieg Hiel Ride double LP

If Mysterious Guy Hardcore is a real thing, then Fossil Fuel is the quintessential Mysterious Guy Hardcore band. This is a double LP one record is all Christmas songs and the other is all original stuff. For those of you(probably all) who don't know Fossil Fuel is a band that uses drum machine beats that can be found on any key board at Toys R Us, a bass and a guitar. If this is all done by one dude then its pure genius but if this happens to be a group of guys...then its just garbage. At times the songs just seem like they are being made up as they go along and the guy doing the vocals can't keep it together and laughs every time he says a dirty word. All in all this is probably just a real expensive inside joke but having said that its also better then anything Mr. California ever did. Comedy gold.

Not much info on this band other then a p.o. box address on the insert. If you see this anywhere then you HAVE TO buy it(seriously) just trust me.

Fucked Up-Year of the Rat 12" single

Every time I am asked "Who's your favorite band?" I say "I dunno." or "I don't really have a favorite." Nothing comes to mind, not one single group pops into my head because no single group stands out. Maybe I will have a favorite and then the band breaks up or changes dramatically for the worst. Not one group can stay at the top holding their title for eternity. Today is different though, today i ask myself why don't i just answer "My favorite band is Fucked Up."

This record is not their latest effort. Its one that i slept on and then could never find, or maybe i just never had the money(not that its expensive). Well today i found it at my local shop and figured now was probably my one chance to get it. Like the one before this(Year of the Pig) I was expecting the A-side to be a departure of the Fucked Up norm, which is becoming the fucked up norm. Instead i found the A-side to be another PERFECT Fucked Up song, and ill cut to the chase with this statement: "Year of the Rat" blew me away. I feel that i am truly in love with this band. I read the lyrics and stare at the record spin the very same way i gaze into my significant others' eyes.

"Year of the Rat" is similar to the stuff off of "Hidden World" and "Chemistry of the Common Life". Its layered with guitar tracks and at times you can hear a quiet organ/piano/other instruments fighting over an orchestra of noise. This song has everything i love and look for in new music, and the hook at the chorus sent a chill down my spine.

The B-side "First Born" had a little bit of a Pink Floyd vibe to it but always retained the melodic hardcore sound that this band is famous for, This is indeed a sound all their own. The lyrics on this track seem to be on a more personal level which makes it very engaging.

So do i have a favorite band? I will probably still say "I dunno.", that's a huge question to answer. Maybe I'll say "No i do not have a favorite, but i really really like Fucked Up."

Whats Your Rupture? Records
Lifes a trap when you're a rat.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Duress-Indifference E.P.

7 Short songs with lyrics that dont come more straight up then this. This straight edge band delivers a harshness in a way only a Chicago band could. For the most part these songs pass by in seconds with out any sign of stopping but Duress manage to mix it up with some breakdown mosh parts that are traditional to the genre and keep it fresh with some distant sounding guitar noises. The tracks that stood out to me are ASSHOLE(the lyrics deliver) and the last song GUILT which slows things down a bit but still keeps all that harshness and hatred very clear. If you're not already keep your ears to the ground for more Duress info and releases because Im certain this band is only going to improve.

Released on Underestimated Records in a very small pressing of 300. Japanese style covers complete with obi strip. You can give Duress a listen on their myspace page.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Condominium-Gag 7"

In my mind this is one of the very best bands playing today, they have got it covered, what they do is down to a fucking science. I love flipping past my 7"s and seeing 4 uniform records each one as good as(if not better than)the last. Condominium hail from Minneapolis and this would be their 4th record. The first two were self released and the other on Fashionable Idiots, this one was put out on Deer Healer.

On the A side we have the title track "Gag" a 7 minute mini opus that drags perfectly, and joins the likes of "Barricade" at the top of the list. The B-side has two more songs. "Redemption Song" is a short and steady song and though its good i dont think it can follow the title track. Finally "The entire human body" closes the album and is like Gag only an instrumental that seems to focus more on creating an atmosphere and it does so well.

Now i would love to say that this record was better then the last, since that seems to be the trend with this band but i feel even though the title track is amazing, as a whole the record seems to fall a little short. It is though by no means a bad record, as i said earlier this band is incredible and im sure you can expect nothing but quality from them in the future.

"Gag" was released by Deer Healer records, and i believe is still available there and at other distros as well. thank you and good night.

Manipulation-Demo cs

This tape has been floating around for awhile now and just a few days ago this band released their debut 7". I have yet to pick up the latter but i was able to find a copy of the cs floating around in a random distro. Members of The Pedestrians, Chronic Seizure, and Civic Progress come together and record this stripped down assault that sounds like it was recorded in a sweaty basement. Its hard for me to pin point all the influences i hear coming from these songs, the tape in general has a Discharge feeling to it and then other times it reminds me of the recently deceased Caustic Christ. There are some other influences in there but i feel that its always hard to pinpoint a band as good as this. Whether you compare Manipulation to this or that you still get a handful of well thought out songs that all pack a punch.

This tape is still out there and im sure if you dig a bit you can find a copy, their debut 7" is available from FASHIONABLE IDIOTS RECORDS. Manipulation is on the move and i have a feeling this band will be very busy this year.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Slices-Cruising LP

After spinning this one twice at a friends house and a couple more times once i got my own copy I'm ready for the review. I'll start by saying this thing opens with a bang, the first song MEDUSA is a great example of what i think Slices does best just a very steady and very balls out hard rock song. After the second song the album seems to be on its way with no sign of stopping but then it stops.

There are three noise pieces on this album two are listed as tracks, the other i guess is just noise between songs. I felt like this long break after the second song just killed it for me and took me right out of the album. To me the sense that everything is going to explode is gone. Slices past records just felt like the tension was rising and was gonna give at any moment, I didn't feel that with this record. Don't get me wrong there are some fantastic songs on here and if you are a die hard fan this thing will probably be your jam for some time to come. The lyrics as always are very unique and interesting especially on the first and last songs.

Cruising was put out on Iron Lung records who are proving to be a true force to reckon with. I believe this is still available if not then check some distros,in fact Cowabunga has some copies avail be.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pigeon Religion-Crystallized Meth 7"

I was never a fan of this band, i heard about a minute of their record on parts unknown and then turned i it off when the vocals came in. I thought it was funny more than anything. I never planned on hearing them again, until my friend Branden gave me a free copy of Crystallized Meth. I only wanted one because he put it out. On the first listen it only made me think of how this whole sound was becoming saturated, everybody wanted to be slow and haunting and have 6 minute songs all of a sudden. I was not interested in what i was hearing at all. So now here i am giving it another listen writing this review and i think i have reached a conclusion. This single isnt all that bad and its probably the best material this band has put out.

I picture myself following this music down a dark tunnel but no matter how far or fast i travel its still very distant, the drums at times have a tribal like sound to them and i wonder if i even want to find the source of the noise. I turn back but quickly realize there is no way out and ill never reach the end. All in all this is just good dragging punk with a tortured sound to it. Since this review was probably a waste of your time here is a rating: 3/5 stars.

Video Disease Records may very well be on its way to legitimacy.

Veins- Youth Attack CS

This new band has been surrounded by a lot of hype, this cassette has been anticipated by many and let me tell you something brother...this thing fucking delivers. An all star team belts out six relentless hardcore songs that have a classic feeling to them. If you want comparisons picture THE REPOS meets DAS OATH. The songs come off frantic but are by no means anti-anthems, with some big build ups that explode perfectly. Add a touch of snotty punk vocals and there you have Veins.

as always Youth Attack pulls out all the stops on the packaging making this the most stunning cassette i have ever owned, and as always this puppy is sold out.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Face The Rail Tour

Friends of mine Face The Rail will be doing a tour starting this coming week here are the dates and a flyer for the show in my area. You do not want to miss this band play.

3/24 – San Francisco @ Balazo w/ Mind, Mojo Hand
3/27 – Long Beach @ Unity Church w/ The Timebombs
3/28 – Los Angeles @ TBA w/Pterydactdudes
3/29 – Phoenix @ Iron Lady w/ Pigeon Religion
3/30 – Denver @ Blast-o-mat w/ Guns n Rosa Parks
3/31 – TBA
4/01 – Seattle @ TBA w/ White Wards
4/02 – Portland @ East End w/ Arctic Flowers, Salted City, The Chemicals
4/03 – San Francisco @ El Rio w/ Deadfall, Dean Dirg

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cut Me Open

After many personal delays more records are making their way to me and more reviews will be posted. The blog itself might also go under some changes, Instead of only posting reviews of recent releases I will be taking single songs that i have been listening to and breaking them down and describing the thoughts they provoke, when a good time to blast it is and reasons why you should probably check it out.

Coming Reviews:
Slices-Cruising Lp
Condominium-Gag 7"
And whatever else finds it way to me

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Aerosols-LP + 7 inch

After a series of 7 inches this band releases what i feel is their best material to date. Expect the same relentless approach as before. It combines the best aspects of both old and modern hardcore with a mix of blistering fast songs and a couple slow ones that just have you on the edge waiting for them to explode. The vocals are very harsh and really jump out at you and the riffs on the faster songs just come off so chaotic. Its blunt, straight forward, loud and just refreshing. I really dont know what else to say i mean i feel like this isnt even necessary.

First(clear) press sold out.
Second(blue) press sold out.
If you got this thing then you know what you have.
If you dont have it, then good luck.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rational Animals-Distorted Temptation E.P.

As soon as the needle drops this record explodes and we are on our way. These 5 songs take you on a ride through the labyrinth that is the Rational Animals. If you cant tell by now I LOVE THIS BAND, and this record is a few notches above their last. The band still has that Greg Ginn vibe going on but songs like "Dark Eyes" and "Games and Fun" seem to have a touch of Sabbath to them, and i could not ask for more. I feel like each song gets more out of control and violent then the last and then before you know it the record ends as abruptly as it started.

Rational Animals play out of Rochester NY and are incredible live. Distorted Temptation was released by Feral Kid Records only 500 pressed.


School Jerks-2nd E.P.

With their 2nd 7inch the School Jerks come off with more bite to them then last time and it suits them well. 4 songs with guitar sounds that will remind you of early early Black Flag(thats two flag inspired bands this week). On some of the songs the vocals seem to bounce around and do whatever they want giving this thing a "we dont care" spin. There is also a hint of Angry Samoans thrown in the mix. I suppose i should name drop CAREER SUICIDE, since these guys are from Canada and if you like them theres a good chance you will like this but...they sound nothing alike so maybe i wont do that.

Scum stats include 75 copies on white/white with black swirls. Brought to you by the one and only Cowabunga Records. Get your copy before this thing is long gone.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Genders-Day of Choices 7"

Genders are a fairly new band playing out of Connecticut and this record is their debut 7". The bands overall sound is somewhat chaotic and to me is a blend of INFEST and the traditional New York hardcore sound. Nothing really ground breaking but then again what is nowadays? This is a very solid e.p. though, its got a good mix of songs that go by in a frenzy and some with tough hardcore breakdowns. It does seem to be lacking something...but i do believe that if this band can create a "bigger" sound while keeping all the factors that make this release great, that their next record could be amazing.

The tracks that stand out the most are "More Time" and the last song on the b-side "Comfort in Consistency"where the sing along vocals come in and you just picture dudes in judge shirts pointing their fingers. Intense. This 7" is indeed worth checking out.

"Day of Choices" was put out on Pregnant Records( and i would like to add that the sleeve and insert that accompany this record are quality. Limited clear vinyl....blah blah blah check out Genders on myspace:

Monday, January 25, 2010

Gears Turning...

Expecting reviews within the next couple days of the RATIONAL ANIMALS new 7", WELCOME TO THE GOLDEN STATE VOL.2, AEROSOLS 12" and more.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crime Desire-Everyday In Chains

Sorry theres no pic of this thing, i couldnt find one anywhere and well im just too damn lazy to scan the cover...anyways this band fucking delivers. The packaging is always great The covers and wax are great quality and come with resealable poly bags to boot. This would be a 4 song 12inch ep and i think this format works best for the band. The first song "Die a Slow Death" is faster than what Crime Desire usually puts out but they really knock it out, its just a great hardcore jam that doesnt let up. The next two songs are slower and are what you would expect from these punk/metal enthusiast. "Eye of Balor" is the closer and it really demonstrates what these guys are made of, whether its metal influenced breakdowns or breakneck punk riffs "Eye of Balor" is the perfect way to end this record.

I recently saw Crime Desire play in long beach during their tour with OK?(see above pic)and They did not disappoint. The energy level was up and stayed up til the finish. All and all this band and their records are a lot of fun from the intense live shows right down to the lyrics about vampires.

Check out Crime Desire on their myspace page, i got this record at their show and i regret to say have no idea where you can get one so just hit up the band.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Low Threat Profile-s/t 7inch

Alright so there hasnt been any posts in awhile for two reasons: 1) i havent got any new records and 2) because im lazy and irresponsible, but a good friend of mine who's opinion i value and trust told me about this band so i purchased it right away(it didnt hurt that he mentioned that this band consisted of ex-members of bands like INFEST and LACK OF INTEREST). Low Threat Profile play short crushing songs(ten on this 7inch) that will remind you of the hardcore of yesteryear. True the sound is a little bit cleaner then older records(which i was a somewhat bummed on) but either way these songs hit hard and leave you wanting more. I dont have much info on this band and i hope this isnt a one time deal project because i look forward to more releases from this group. 5 stars.

Low Threat Profile was released by the mighty DEEP SIX RECORDS, though i do believe they are sold out you can still pick up a copy from REVHQ.