Friday, July 29, 2011

Brutal Supremacy-V/A Double 7"

4 Band compilation. Split between two 7" records.

Iron Lung:
A slow but steady beginning that only helps pace you for the chaotic speed that lies ahead. Iron Lung do what they do best on their side of this comp although i wouldn't say its their best material, its still really good and is nothing less then what you would expect.

Mind Eraser:
A more lo-fi mix then what this band usually sounds like, but they make it work and I think it helps give these songs a dirty old school vibe. Really gets under your skin. I was expecting this band to only put a song maybe two out on this thing, kind of surprised to see them take this approach, at 45rpm to boot.

Hatred Surge:
The new line up seems to be in full effect and the band hasn't missed a beat. To be honest though the only song I really enjoyed was their third and last song. The other two songs didn't really stick. Not the best side of the comp but still good. I know this band can do better.

The only band on this thing that really has a "traditional" approach to power-violence all the other bands have really taken inspiration from other places and became the monsters they are today. Scapegoat kill it though and their no bullshit approach is like a breath of fresh air on this already great comp. 7 songs(7!) that end as soon as they started. This side of the comp will be played a 2nd time.

Iron Lung deliver the goods they get the number one spot, Scapegoat brings home the bacon at number two, Mind Eraser slay and Hatred Surge blow your house down. Not too shabby for a fantasy split.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Double Negative-Hardcore Confusion Vol. II

Part II. Two more D/N jams and these two are fucking HEAVY and chalk full of riffs and hooks. Nothing too fast on this installment but the band still manages to branch out just a little to create a fresh listen.

These may be a little more familiar to D/N fans and some may even favor them over the more experimental WRITHE from Vol. I. Again very excited for these new tracks and cant wait to complete the series.

I will say that while listening to their last LP I felt like only a hand full of the songs really stood out and got my attention. Don't get me wrong it was a good listen all the way through but I couldn't help but feel like I had heard some of the songs before. It's different this time around, the four songs I have heard from the HCC collection are all very unique and hold their own creating a great listening experience.

Double Negative-Hardcore Confusion Vol. I

The first out of four 7"ers. HCC Vol. I shows more growth for Double Negative the band is ready to try new things and experiment with recording tricks. While the 2 songs on here don't venture too far away from the D/N sound, the changes the band has made are for the best.

WRITHE is hands down the best D/N songs I have heard to date, it has everything I like in modern hardcore. WRITHE is hard, heavy, layered and its with this song the band takes their sound to new places. The B-side is D/N at their most no nonsense, CUNNY HOP clocks in at just over a minute and really leaves you wanting more.

D/N have really stepped up their game and I'm sure this 7" will win over naysayers everywhere. Looking forward to the next three volumes in this very ambitious project.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dark Ages-Can America Survive? LP

The long awaited Dark Ages LP is here! From my understanding this band has been cooking this thing up since the release of their 2nd 7". A buddy of mine who was close to this band was telling me that they were working on expanding their sound and that the LP was going to be huge, then I read on the Sorry State web site that this thing brings to mind the likes of HUSKER DU and DIE KREUZEN. If you ask me, those are big shoes to fill and as much as I wanted this album to do just falls short.

Can America Survive? is not a terrible album though, its quite good actually. Ten songs that are what you would come to expect from this band. The fast songs rage and burn and the slow ones creep under your skin. Their underrated trademark melody really shines. Dark Ages put together a hardcore album thats good from front to back, that in its self is an achievement.

Is it groundbreaking though? Did that band completely expand their sound or master their craft? Can America Survive? No on all accounts. There are a few kicks here and there and some new little details on some songs that help complete or bring together those individual songs, those little touches don't make the album and they certainly don't bring this band close to what HUSKER DU did on EVERYTHING FALLS APART

In conclusion this album is worth checking out, if you are already into this band then it will most definitely be your thing and will not disappoint. Once again this is a solid hardcore record but I think I have been built up too much or misled to review it as such. Sorry but I was expecting more.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dead Language-S/T LP

So this thing is really good....I read the hype and knew who was involved but Jesus this thing is good. The song on the B-side alone is worth every penny.

Dead Language burn through the entire A-side of this record likes it's made of napalm which is pretty impressive since the songs are actually creative and have cool breaks. It's great classic powerviolence with interesting twists.

I really feel like I don't have to say too much about this band, and honestly I can't. Just a damn good record, with awesome covers to boot.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sleepies-S/T LP

After hearing one song online I bought this 12" off a friend of mine. Another release I just sorta walked into blindly, luckily for me Sleepies was a pleasant surprise. I expected something sort of hardcore and quirky, Sleepies is more the latter and it's a good thing.

It was a weird listen off the bat and I think its because most of the music I listen to comes from an angry place or a place with a lot of bottled up negativity, I just have come to expect that from most bands and well for the most part this is an up beat record. Sleepies sound to me like a mix of garage punk, with some noise rock influences and a quirky attitude. Some songs are heavy others are light ones that float along but all of them are melodic and catchy. The band is real good at keeping things energetic throughout the album and I can imagine their live shows being the same.

When I started listening to this my dog started chasing his tail, it was suiting to say the least. Released on Doom Song records. You can give Sleepies a listen on their band camp. Try it out.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wiccans-Skullduggery LP

Katorga Works presents Denton's Wiccans and their debut LP. Wiccans have put together an interesting album here, at first I thought it was close to being another straight hardcore LP with tough guy vocals but Wiccans toss in some melody for good measure and the end result is unique, catchy and powerful.

For me it's the guitar work that saves this thing, though the more straight up songs are good, if it wasn't for the arrangements and weird guitar parts the songs might fall flat. It's the combination of that and just the raw power being pushed forward by the vocals and riffs that bring this thing together.

I'll have to admit I didn't really know what to expect from this album. Upon the first listen I felt those few innovative moments were all Wiccans had going for them but after a second listen I have been won over completely. Now instead of wondering where this LP will take me I sit banging my head and anticipating every little kick.

The recording and overall sound is pretty crisp and clear(no constant weird guy fuzz) and it suits the record perfectly considering the amount of melody and jamming going on.

So in conclusion Wiccans have got it all going on: straight hardcore parts with melodic surprises, great guitar work, and down n' dirty jams. Current favorites of mine include "Crust Royalty", "Key To Success" and "Disorder". Album will be in rotation for sometime to come. For hardcore fans who like a little innovation.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sexdrome/Sump-Split 7"

I was really taken back by this bands LP, I just loved the entire package and the way they presented themselves. The art really went hand in hand with the music and help deliver the full effect of the album. Anyways Sexdrome pulls off their own brand of noisy punk yet again, and its really the black metal atmospheric touches that help bring all that together. Two songs, both take no prisoners and don't stop or slow down for anything. These faster songs are good and the band plays them well but I would of liked to hear something slower that dragged a little more, like the songs on the LP. I will say though that Sexdrome's approach complements the slower Sump side.

Hailing from the U.K. Sump belt out a sound that leans a little more towards older black metal than punk. No big solos or anything just dark and hollow sounding music. The vocals are full of static but the anger still bleeds out. Three songs from Sump, two slower ones that had me nodding my head as soon as they started, real stompers. The riffs are good and it would be fine by me if they went on for 9 or 10 minutes. A brief fast song at the end caps it all off letting you know these guys swing that way too.

There is only a hand full of black metal bands I listen to so maybe I'm not the best person to review this, but I know what I like and this split hits the spot. The bands work well together, the songs are great, and this thing will get played plenty of times. Its got a little bit of everything so if you're looking for something different(or if this is already your thing)pick up this split.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

City Limits: Down And Out In Toronto & Montreal-V/A 12"

OK so real talk I just bought this for the CAREER SUICIDE and URBAN BLIGHT tracks, I'm an asshole and I'm sorry. This thing will be in my regular rotation for weeks to come, its close to being flawless. Every single band(with one or two exceptions) brings their A game and I just couldn't believe it at first.

So when it gets down to it the concept is pretty much "my town" VS "you town", Sharks VS The Jets, Homer VS Peter Griffin, Magic VS Bird, and who doesn't love a good showdown? amiright? If you ask me it's a pretty close call both Montreal and Toronto bring out the big guns. The listen is good and its a perfect length, not too short and not too long, just right.

Again I can't stress enough how most of the bands on this thing rip it up and meet every expectation, I feel the need to go out and buy everything from all these bands. This is a MUST HAVE for fans of hardcore no matter where you are from.

Released by High Anxiety.

Deaf Mutations-Crash The Clubs 7"

Originally released as a cassette on SEWERCIDE this nasty record is making its rounds and flooring kids everywhere.

Including members of CAREER SUICIDE Deaf Mutations knock out a high strung and violent sound that will have your ass locked up in no time. The title track steals the show here and is everything the a-side of a snotty punk record should be. The b-side speeds things up and brings on a more hardcore sound and it too is well done.

The recording itself is just super down and dirty and I fell this brings out a lot of the hate and negative energy. Its a really out of control and feels live while still sounding tight.

Released on STATIC SHOCK.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Michael WURZEL Burston started off in bands like BASTARD and WARFARE but he would eventually land a gig playing guitar in MOTORHEAD for over a decade. He played a vital role during a period where the band put out some of their most abrasive and interesting material. Also some the best ragers came out during this time. It was the only time the band played as a 4 piece. He will be missed.

Your Pest Band/Holy Shit! Split 7"

Your Pest Band:
I had no idea this band existed until now. Japanese Punk(actually from Japan) played with an old school rock and roll edge. Very up beat and catchy and has all the bells and whistles you would expect from this genre. Although its nothing original it comes off very nihilistic and fun. I imagine these songs having a high replay value if this is your thing.

Holy Shit!:
Not their greatest songs but it is still very them and Holy Shit! just being the band they are is enough sometimes. None of these tracks really stood out and grabbed me and if this is your first time getting into this band you should probably put this aside and grab their first few records(especially the LP). Unless your a fanatic/collector of this bands work you could probably skip this til later. I still love these guys and am always happy when they crank out new records though.

Summary: Its not groundbreaking stuff on either side but the combination of these two bands works really well and is a nice break from doom and gloom. I'm actually really into the artwork as well.

Snuffy Smiles/Small Pool records.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Slices-Modern bride 7"

Slices are back and with their 2nd LP on the horizon they present to us Modern Bride. Slices has more than one trick up their sleeve, they can cover a lot of ground as a band and are not afraid to experiment. I spoke briefly with some of them on their west coast tour with IRON LUNG and from what they told me the next Lp(STILL CRUISING) is going to be all over the place, needless to say I was excited.

Both Tracks on Modern Bride are close in sound. Most of the hardcore elements that were present on the first 2 Slices records are almost completely gone, There is still plenty of bite on this record but its closer to a rock vibe. The title track is an up beat banger that brings to mind PISSED JEANS but still retains that Slices harshness that I think makes them the band they are. The B-side is more on the mid temp side with even more of a rock vibe, but still sounds like it could of been on the last LP.

All and all This is a great single but we all know this band can do more, so i guess we will have to wait til STILL CRUISING drops to get the full Slices experience.

Kemado Records.