Monday, July 11, 2011

Your Pest Band/Holy Shit! Split 7"

Your Pest Band:
I had no idea this band existed until now. Japanese Punk(actually from Japan) played with an old school rock and roll edge. Very up beat and catchy and has all the bells and whistles you would expect from this genre. Although its nothing original it comes off very nihilistic and fun. I imagine these songs having a high replay value if this is your thing.

Holy Shit!:
Not their greatest songs but it is still very them and Holy Shit! just being the band they are is enough sometimes. None of these tracks really stood out and grabbed me and if this is your first time getting into this band you should probably put this aside and grab their first few records(especially the LP). Unless your a fanatic/collector of this bands work you could probably skip this til later. I still love these guys and am always happy when they crank out new records though.

Summary: Its not groundbreaking stuff on either side but the combination of these two bands works really well and is a nice break from doom and gloom. I'm actually really into the artwork as well.

Snuffy Smiles/Small Pool records.

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