Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sexdrome/Sump-Split 7"

I was really taken back by this bands LP, I just loved the entire package and the way they presented themselves. The art really went hand in hand with the music and help deliver the full effect of the album. Anyways Sexdrome pulls off their own brand of noisy punk yet again, and its really the black metal atmospheric touches that help bring all that together. Two songs, both take no prisoners and don't stop or slow down for anything. These faster songs are good and the band plays them well but I would of liked to hear something slower that dragged a little more, like the songs on the LP. I will say though that Sexdrome's approach complements the slower Sump side.

Hailing from the U.K. Sump belt out a sound that leans a little more towards older black metal than punk. No big solos or anything just dark and hollow sounding music. The vocals are full of static but the anger still bleeds out. Three songs from Sump, two slower ones that had me nodding my head as soon as they started, real stompers. The riffs are good and it would be fine by me if they went on for 9 or 10 minutes. A brief fast song at the end caps it all off letting you know these guys swing that way too.

There is only a hand full of black metal bands I listen to so maybe I'm not the best person to review this, but I know what I like and this split hits the spot. The bands work well together, the songs are great, and this thing will get played plenty of times. Its got a little bit of everything so if you're looking for something different(or if this is already your thing)pick up this split.

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