Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Putting Calamitous Being on hold for a few weeks. Probably won't be back to regular activity until the new year but will definitely have an update by December.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

State Violence-S/T 7"

Graded: WET

Members of other DC bands come together to form probably the best band in DC. State Violence is blown out, laced with static and pulls out the best moves from hardcore, raw punk, and d-beat alike. Just a textbook performance that puts other bands playing this kind of stuff to shame. Everything just gels from the over powering, cutting guitar to the solid drumming. These guys have great energy and can fucking play and that puts them a cut above the rest.

Hesitation Wound Records

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Social Circkle-Expiration Date 7"

Graded: DRY

Social Circkle's final 7" falls short. All the elements that made this band great just seem to be echos on this record. It really feels like they just gave up, not even one song really stands out, theres no anthems and the fast songs are just fast punk songs with no flare or style, something Social Circkle was once known for.

Really bummed to have to say all of this but I just can't get into this 7", its OK at best. Don't get me wrong, when this band was good it was REALLY fucking good but I just can't settle on this one. Get this thing if you feel you really need to complete your discography otherwise you can probably just skip it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Night Birds- The Other Side Of Darkness LP


The full length album from the Night Birds is here and fans of this band will be foaming at the mouth while this thing is playing. It is easily their best collection of songs from the lyrics about horror movies to the flawless execution of the surf punk guitar work. Having said that, know that this album will most likely only please those who are into this kinda of stuff. So before you read on just know that if you can't dig the pop or surf vibes then this thing isn't for you.

The Other Side Of Darkness shows the band pulling out all the stops. The short fast tunes with some nods to hardcore chime in now and again, as those are good, the real meat and potatoes comes from the longer tunes where we see the band expand their sound(only slightly though) as well as knock out the familiar surf riffs. The first song on the album DEMON HAUNTED WORLD is probably the band at their best, its a mixture of what they do best along with just a glimmer of something new and different. More songs like that and this band could do know wrong.

Outside the handful of stand out songs, I feel like there is a little too much filler on the album. I mean it flows nice and everything but again unless this is the sound you live for you may get bored. It just seems like the energy isn't there the whole time. I will say though if you love AGENT ORANGE and other O.C. bands from that era than this band is the second coming.

Grave Mistake Records.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Brain F≠ - Sleep Rough LP

Graded: WET

I never picked up the Brain Flannel 7"'s, there I said. Just never got around to it, plus I never read anything about them that made me want to jump up and check them out I don't know if they played out here either, if they did I missed it. So I just bought this along with some other stuff cause I figured why not, been doing that a lot lately, so far its worked out in my favor. As I listened to this album for the first time I felt almost instantly that I was going to love it. I really don't know where to begin.

Brain F≠ hail from NC and sound more progressive than most hardcore coming out of NY or LA. One could just say this is melodic hardcore and leave it at that, but theres something more going on that makes this bands sound unique. The Album has a subtle garage sound going on, it was recorded in a garage after all though. The guitars have that sharp hardcore hugeness going on but when placed with this front woman's vocals there is somewhat of a clash happening. She sings so casual its almost unsettling at times, it just works though. I can honestly say I can't remember hearing anything like it. Saying this is all hardcore would be misleading though, there are some rock inspired riffs in the mix as well and it can't go unmentioned because I feel it completes the bands style, and keeps things catchy.

I could keep going on about this band but I think you get it, this shit is great. A solid listen all the way AND the first record to be rated WET(!) by the blog. Not too shabby for a debut LP.

Grave Mistake and Sorry State records.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Passive Aggressor-S/T 7"

Graded: MOIST

Didn't really know what to expect going into this record, felt like it could of gone either way but these three tracks did not disappoint. Passive Aggressor's style is super disconnected and brings to mind the later and more broken sounding FLAG songs such as THE SWINGING MAN. Theres also a heavy weird rock vibe a la THE JESUS LIZARD, this uncomfortable noise is very much in the foreground and brings the record together nicely.

I would like to see this band do more though, since they seem to have their musical chops down, I mean the three tracks on here are great but the record as a whole lacks variety. All in all though, I'd say this 7" makes for a great and unique listen and is definitely worth your time.

Though this record is only graded MOIST I would like to say a few words about the label. 16OH is the label that put out the first SLICES 7". They could of very well rode that train and released tons of music just like that and attempt to cater to the crowd that would eventually grow to eat that kind of stuff up. Instead 16OH does whatever the hell they want and puts out neat gems like this. In short "Good label, Backed hard".

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Crooked Cross-S/T 7"


Black metal mixed with hardcore, more the former though. You could say this is hardcore but with all the noise and aesthetics the bm is more prominent. Crooked Cross play out of Georgia and are members of other bands similar to this. The recording is blown out and has that demo like quality to it.

The songs that had the most going for them where FIRST REDEEMER and COMMUNION, I felt like the rest just seemed typical to this genre. Not bad but not anything to write home about. Personally I'm not really a black metal guy, I like some of it here and there but I wasn't crazy about this. I feel like good black metal has to have solid riffs or is just completely over the top.

Ever since I heard these are the same guys that did the 性交 7" I feel like that maybe these little side project bands should stay in the demo cassette stage or should of been self released. Thats just my opinion though, it is my blog after all.

I would feel wrong not saying this is a little DRY but that shouldn't bother the label cause this shit is SOLD OUT.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Nasa Space Universe- Across The Wounded Galaxies

Graded: MOIST

These are the weird kids you never talked to in high school, you always heard they were on acid and played with knives but you never knew their band was this good. Nasa Space are in their own world as far as hardcore goes, they don't make noise tracks or mess around with recording tricks though. Their off kilter and quirky attitude comes strictly from solid musicianship and from being themselves.

The recording sound differs from the last two records. The first 7" had a reel to reel warmth to it(whether it was recorded that way or not I don't know) the second 7" was louder and crisp and this the first LP falls more toward the sound of the first record. Its a little on the quiet side and I feel this hurts the band slightly.

This is a decent collection of songs. Only a few really stood out and grabbed me though, as different as this bands style is some of the songs sound too much alike after awhile. 14 Nasa Space tracks is a little bit much to take in though.

Those little things aside this record is still very well done, and without bands like Nasa Space Universe, bands that do what they want and apply what they love most about music to their songs, punk and hardcore would be very boring. Still an amazing live band and one of the only So. Cal bands I give a shit about.

Far from DRY but not quite WET

Only for those interested in wild hardcore weirdness.

Shogun Records.


A new system for rating records will be added to the blog. Hopefully this system will help make sense of my sometimes senseless rantings and allow you to enjoy your blogging experience to the fullest. Records will be rated as such:

WET - This record is near perfection and you must rush out to by it as it will make you cool.

MOIST - This record is good but not great, may not be a contender for the prestigious and coveted RECORD OF THE YEAR AWARD.

DRY - This record is lacking in multiple areas. This band should rethink their formula or approach.

The WET SYSTEM will take effect immediately. Thank you for your time.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


My band THE TIMEBOMBS has just finished up recording our 2nd LP. Ive always made sure to keep what I do in that band separate from what I do on this blog, but that band means a lot to me and has shown me what will probably be the best times of my life. So having said all that I am proud to post this, a rough mix track from said LP.

For those interested We expect to have a final mix done by the end of next week. This thing has been in the making for a long time and We are all very happy with the way it has come out. I don't think the band will accomplish anything like this again.

This particular track is probably the most "straight up" we have recorded for the album, which I think is why we chose to share this one first, we gotta keep some secrets. As of right now there is no label set up to release this but the band is open to working with(mostly)anyone.

Well the rant is over. Enjoy the song and feel free to contact us at our email


with any questions or just find us on VLV. More reviews soon.

The Timebombs-Ravens by T_B

Monday, September 12, 2011

Condominium-Warm Home LP

Feels like I have been waiting a very long time for this thing to come out. Condominium in my opinion is the best and most interesting hardcore band playing today. Each of their records is different and in a way better then the last, I cant stress enough how important this band is and how they stand alone in a genre that is supposed to be full of surprises but is not. Warm Home, the bands first LP captures Condominium in their element playing some of their best songs.

I will admit there was an adjustment period, there isn't too many songs like GAG or BARRICADE but there are songs that impact you just the same. I wouldn't say the band didn't take risks with this album or that they gave up experimenting because that is certainly not the case. There is plenty of noise and other kinds of mischief that add an element of deconstruction to the record. So having said that it is weird listening to an LP without a normal flow or story line if you will, but after a couple listens you realize with this band you don't need any of that.

Songs like LIFE IS AMAZING, TEETH and UNDER GLASS show that Condominium still has their sound on lock. Honestly though it would of been cool to hear songs like the A-sides to the singles on this record and see where they take that kind of song on the full length format but I wouldn't say the record is a disappointment because of that.

Another great release from a great band.

Self released.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Perdition/Nerveskade-Split 7"

Static lased glue huffing D-beat played by kids who live it. Perdition radiate the power and energy only seen by some of the Swedish hardcore greats. POLICE POWER!

Wow a DISCHARGE worship band that actually reminds me of DISCHARGE. Its about time! The distant vocals pace themselves letting the music do most of the work and chime in to shout slogans a la first wave D-beat.

Both sides of this record will have you hunting down every release by these two heavy weights.

Suburbanite-S/T 7"

Tough and heavy sounding hardcore with traditional and catchy riffs. This is slightly different from whats becoming the YOUTH ATTACK! norm, and shows the label is still willing to mix things up.

Suburbanite anthems will get stuck in your head and have you flipping this thing over again and again, trying to hold on to the adrenaline. Do not turn to this release looking for weirdness. Just a hardcore bruiser.

YOUTH ATTACK! records. Neat fold out sleeve.

Raw Nerve-Midnight 7"

The latest offering from Chicago's hardcore noise makers. Raw Nerve do what they do best and make quick work of this 8 song 7".

This EP marks some progress from their LP but still holds on tightly to the core of the band. I would love to hear more songs like REST though, with its deconstructed intro that builds up to the completely manic rager RELAXATION. Aside from this track and the opener, DATING PROBLEM, the songs are similar to their earlier material.

All in all this is another solid release from Raw Nerve. They did an excellent job on making each track flow together perfectly to form the big picture.

Released on YOUTH ATTACK! records and comes with deluxe packaging of course. Sold out.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jackman-demo 2010

Blown out punk. This record has nothing to offer you but loudness, static, and hate. Music for the reckless and careless by the reckless and careless. not for the weak of heart.

Originally a cassette by POSH ISOLATION.

Cervix-Life Fucker 7"

Reverb drenched D-beat from NYC. All of these songs sound so huge you'd swear there was full stacks in your room.

What separates Cervix from the rest of the pack(D-beat wolf pack) is the female vocals and the guitar work, the solos take you back to a 1984 UK when all the bands starting infusing elements of metal into their music. It would be cool to see more of this from Cervix. I feel like D-beat can be a "safe" genre with a lack of experimenting. It only takes a little step forward to make great strides musically.

My ranting aside, this loud brief record is fantastic and will get many plays for sometime to come. Released on VIDEO DISEASE records.

Rational Animals-Bock Rock Parade LP

First word that comes to mind is POWER. This record is fucking powerful and its the best songwriting from these guys to date. This stuff is light years ahead of their previous releases.

The Comparisons to BLACK FLAG have always been mentioned but this shit is straight ROLLINS BAND, its like a more demented LIFE TIME....well maybe not 100% but it has that same unhinged wildness that Rollins was famous for. Zach Gray's howls will have you believe that this bands insanity is very real.

As a whole the album has a great flow which is always a plus. It only helps that most of these songs are so strong that they probably could of made it as singles. This record is also the animals loudest and biggest sounding, it truly is a huge step forward for this band but it comes to no surprise as we all knew they had it in them all along.

Katorga Works.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Leather-Sterile 7" EP

Leather play out of Philly, a cockroach infested dirty pile of land. Their first 7" showed little straight up hardcore influence but a more metalish/dirty rock style that only contributed to the awkward off kilter style of the band. The end result was their own brand of hardcore that reflected their nasty town too perfectly.

Sterile picks up where the first record left off, not too much is different although the band comes off with more angst and the overall sound of the record is a little more cutting. The vocalist still has the wild wails and screams that make this band stand out so much but they feel like they hit the mark better this time around. The song ZEK is the band at their most fierce and really sets the tone for the record as well as bring forward a more hardcore vibe.

With another 7" on the way Leather are gaining momentum and I feel like that soon we will see this band at their finest. STERILE was released on JADE TREE records look for WRETCH out later this month on FAN DEATH.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lower-Demo Cassette

Five moody and dark tracks with an atmosphere similar to that of a dark well. Some similarities to the recently exploding ICEAGE, Lower also hail from Denmark but this is no clone band.

Lowers sound may be in the same vein as ICEAGE but they take it a little slower and create a listen best suited for a rainy day. You wont find any up beat punk riffs on this demo. Lower wield static feedback and a sound that is reminiscent of a stripped down JOY DIVISION.

I don't know too much more about this band. Would be cool to hear more from them. A great demo.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

性交- S/T 7"

Japanese worship in American Hardcore has been going on for some time now but trends aside, if you're going to attempt something like this full on you should make sure its done right. 性交 are on top of things as far as sound goes. This demo quality 7" brings to mind the Japanese greats.

The blown out recording suits the mid tempo beats. The bands overall style and approach is what makes this thing though, you could very well convince one of your friends that this is a reissue of some 80's Japanese band. There are a few small extra touches, some noises here and there and they only compliment the overall experience.

This 7" is a great listen but it didn't really jump out at me too much. Honestly though, as by the book this thing is it still stands out amongst other current releases. Fans of GAUZE and other Japcore bands will probably go nuts over this, and it is deserving of that.

Out August 24th on Video Disease.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Kicking Spit-Psychrockbullshit 12" EP

Not necessarily new but another record I just slept on. So the story behind this thing, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that it was originally a demo tape that was pressed to vinyl by DEPLETED RESOURCE in limited quantities. Then TANKCRIMES came along and gave this thing a "proper" release. So although this is newer then the split with STYMIE on COWABUNGA records its actually older material, if not from the same session. Jeez. Just record new stuff already. Anyways...

These songs are a great getaway from the hardcore/punk norm. Kicking Spit have a style that's really all over the place while still staying within the boundaries of the record. Most people have already said that this is reminiscent of very early DINOSAUR JR. and it is, but I also hear a strong ALL influence, just done a with a little more dirt and noise. Also if you told me BOB MOULD was in this band, I'd probably believe you. So the end result is this pop like college rock that is a little rough around the edges.

Great innovative stuff on this 12". Really looking forward to this band getting together new material and possibly hitting the road again. I would recommend this album to pretty much anybody. As out there as it is, this release just comes together really well.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Scapegoat-S/T LP

Scapegoat play these songs like its the day of rapture. Pulling inspiration from INFEST to DROPDEAD and a touch of abrasiveness a la COLD SWEAT. Scapegoat have released what has potential to be the best powerviolence record of the year. The speed, intensity and hate is just off the charts. Nuff said.

20 tracks with no filler. Painkiller records.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Brutal Supremacy-V/A Double 7"

4 Band compilation. Split between two 7" records.

Iron Lung:
A slow but steady beginning that only helps pace you for the chaotic speed that lies ahead. Iron Lung do what they do best on their side of this comp although i wouldn't say its their best material, its still really good and is nothing less then what you would expect.

Mind Eraser:
A more lo-fi mix then what this band usually sounds like, but they make it work and I think it helps give these songs a dirty old school vibe. Really gets under your skin. I was expecting this band to only put a song maybe two out on this thing, kind of surprised to see them take this approach, at 45rpm to boot.

Hatred Surge:
The new line up seems to be in full effect and the band hasn't missed a beat. To be honest though the only song I really enjoyed was their third and last song. The other two songs didn't really stick. Not the best side of the comp but still good. I know this band can do better.

The only band on this thing that really has a "traditional" approach to power-violence all the other bands have really taken inspiration from other places and became the monsters they are today. Scapegoat kill it though and their no bullshit approach is like a breath of fresh air on this already great comp. 7 songs(7!) that end as soon as they started. This side of the comp will be played a 2nd time.

Iron Lung deliver the goods they get the number one spot, Scapegoat brings home the bacon at number two, Mind Eraser slay and Hatred Surge blow your house down. Not too shabby for a fantasy split.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Double Negative-Hardcore Confusion Vol. II

Part II. Two more D/N jams and these two are fucking HEAVY and chalk full of riffs and hooks. Nothing too fast on this installment but the band still manages to branch out just a little to create a fresh listen.

These may be a little more familiar to D/N fans and some may even favor them over the more experimental WRITHE from Vol. I. Again very excited for these new tracks and cant wait to complete the series.

I will say that while listening to their last LP I felt like only a hand full of the songs really stood out and got my attention. Don't get me wrong it was a good listen all the way through but I couldn't help but feel like I had heard some of the songs before. It's different this time around, the four songs I have heard from the HCC collection are all very unique and hold their own creating a great listening experience.

Double Negative-Hardcore Confusion Vol. I

The first out of four 7"ers. HCC Vol. I shows more growth for Double Negative the band is ready to try new things and experiment with recording tricks. While the 2 songs on here don't venture too far away from the D/N sound, the changes the band has made are for the best.

WRITHE is hands down the best D/N songs I have heard to date, it has everything I like in modern hardcore. WRITHE is hard, heavy, layered and its with this song the band takes their sound to new places. The B-side is D/N at their most no nonsense, CUNNY HOP clocks in at just over a minute and really leaves you wanting more.

D/N have really stepped up their game and I'm sure this 7" will win over naysayers everywhere. Looking forward to the next three volumes in this very ambitious project.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dark Ages-Can America Survive? LP

The long awaited Dark Ages LP is here! From my understanding this band has been cooking this thing up since the release of their 2nd 7". A buddy of mine who was close to this band was telling me that they were working on expanding their sound and that the LP was going to be huge, then I read on the Sorry State web site that this thing brings to mind the likes of HUSKER DU and DIE KREUZEN. If you ask me, those are big shoes to fill and as much as I wanted this album to do just falls short.

Can America Survive? is not a terrible album though, its quite good actually. Ten songs that are what you would come to expect from this band. The fast songs rage and burn and the slow ones creep under your skin. Their underrated trademark melody really shines. Dark Ages put together a hardcore album thats good from front to back, that in its self is an achievement.

Is it groundbreaking though? Did that band completely expand their sound or master their craft? Can America Survive? No on all accounts. There are a few kicks here and there and some new little details on some songs that help complete or bring together those individual songs, those little touches don't make the album and they certainly don't bring this band close to what HUSKER DU did on EVERYTHING FALLS APART

In conclusion this album is worth checking out, if you are already into this band then it will most definitely be your thing and will not disappoint. Once again this is a solid hardcore record but I think I have been built up too much or misled to review it as such. Sorry but I was expecting more.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dead Language-S/T LP

So this thing is really good....I read the hype and knew who was involved but Jesus this thing is good. The song on the B-side alone is worth every penny.

Dead Language burn through the entire A-side of this record likes it's made of napalm which is pretty impressive since the songs are actually creative and have cool breaks. It's great classic powerviolence with interesting twists.

I really feel like I don't have to say too much about this band, and honestly I can't. Just a damn good record, with awesome covers to boot.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sleepies-S/T LP

After hearing one song online I bought this 12" off a friend of mine. Another release I just sorta walked into blindly, luckily for me Sleepies was a pleasant surprise. I expected something sort of hardcore and quirky, Sleepies is more the latter and it's a good thing.

It was a weird listen off the bat and I think its because most of the music I listen to comes from an angry place or a place with a lot of bottled up negativity, I just have come to expect that from most bands and well for the most part this is an up beat record. Sleepies sound to me like a mix of garage punk, with some noise rock influences and a quirky attitude. Some songs are heavy others are light ones that float along but all of them are melodic and catchy. The band is real good at keeping things energetic throughout the album and I can imagine their live shows being the same.

When I started listening to this my dog started chasing his tail, it was suiting to say the least. Released on Doom Song records. You can give Sleepies a listen on their band camp. Try it out.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wiccans-Skullduggery LP

Katorga Works presents Denton's Wiccans and their debut LP. Wiccans have put together an interesting album here, at first I thought it was close to being another straight hardcore LP with tough guy vocals but Wiccans toss in some melody for good measure and the end result is unique, catchy and powerful.

For me it's the guitar work that saves this thing, though the more straight up songs are good, if it wasn't for the arrangements and weird guitar parts the songs might fall flat. It's the combination of that and just the raw power being pushed forward by the vocals and riffs that bring this thing together.

I'll have to admit I didn't really know what to expect from this album. Upon the first listen I felt those few innovative moments were all Wiccans had going for them but after a second listen I have been won over completely. Now instead of wondering where this LP will take me I sit banging my head and anticipating every little kick.

The recording and overall sound is pretty crisp and clear(no constant weird guy fuzz) and it suits the record perfectly considering the amount of melody and jamming going on.

So in conclusion Wiccans have got it all going on: straight hardcore parts with melodic surprises, great guitar work, and down n' dirty jams. Current favorites of mine include "Crust Royalty", "Key To Success" and "Disorder". Album will be in rotation for sometime to come. For hardcore fans who like a little innovation.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sexdrome/Sump-Split 7"

I was really taken back by this bands LP, I just loved the entire package and the way they presented themselves. The art really went hand in hand with the music and help deliver the full effect of the album. Anyways Sexdrome pulls off their own brand of noisy punk yet again, and its really the black metal atmospheric touches that help bring all that together. Two songs, both take no prisoners and don't stop or slow down for anything. These faster songs are good and the band plays them well but I would of liked to hear something slower that dragged a little more, like the songs on the LP. I will say though that Sexdrome's approach complements the slower Sump side.

Hailing from the U.K. Sump belt out a sound that leans a little more towards older black metal than punk. No big solos or anything just dark and hollow sounding music. The vocals are full of static but the anger still bleeds out. Three songs from Sump, two slower ones that had me nodding my head as soon as they started, real stompers. The riffs are good and it would be fine by me if they went on for 9 or 10 minutes. A brief fast song at the end caps it all off letting you know these guys swing that way too.

There is only a hand full of black metal bands I listen to so maybe I'm not the best person to review this, but I know what I like and this split hits the spot. The bands work well together, the songs are great, and this thing will get played plenty of times. Its got a little bit of everything so if you're looking for something different(or if this is already your thing)pick up this split.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

City Limits: Down And Out In Toronto & Montreal-V/A 12"

OK so real talk I just bought this for the CAREER SUICIDE and URBAN BLIGHT tracks, I'm an asshole and I'm sorry. This thing will be in my regular rotation for weeks to come, its close to being flawless. Every single band(with one or two exceptions) brings their A game and I just couldn't believe it at first.

So when it gets down to it the concept is pretty much "my town" VS "you town", Sharks VS The Jets, Homer VS Peter Griffin, Magic VS Bird, and who doesn't love a good showdown? amiright? If you ask me it's a pretty close call both Montreal and Toronto bring out the big guns. The listen is good and its a perfect length, not too short and not too long, just right.

Again I can't stress enough how most of the bands on this thing rip it up and meet every expectation, I feel the need to go out and buy everything from all these bands. This is a MUST HAVE for fans of hardcore no matter where you are from.

Released by High Anxiety.

Deaf Mutations-Crash The Clubs 7"

Originally released as a cassette on SEWERCIDE this nasty record is making its rounds and flooring kids everywhere.

Including members of CAREER SUICIDE Deaf Mutations knock out a high strung and violent sound that will have your ass locked up in no time. The title track steals the show here and is everything the a-side of a snotty punk record should be. The b-side speeds things up and brings on a more hardcore sound and it too is well done.

The recording itself is just super down and dirty and I fell this brings out a lot of the hate and negative energy. Its a really out of control and feels live while still sounding tight.

Released on STATIC SHOCK.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Michael WURZEL Burston started off in bands like BASTARD and WARFARE but he would eventually land a gig playing guitar in MOTORHEAD for over a decade. He played a vital role during a period where the band put out some of their most abrasive and interesting material. Also some the best ragers came out during this time. It was the only time the band played as a 4 piece. He will be missed.

Your Pest Band/Holy Shit! Split 7"

Your Pest Band:
I had no idea this band existed until now. Japanese Punk(actually from Japan) played with an old school rock and roll edge. Very up beat and catchy and has all the bells and whistles you would expect from this genre. Although its nothing original it comes off very nihilistic and fun. I imagine these songs having a high replay value if this is your thing.

Holy Shit!:
Not their greatest songs but it is still very them and Holy Shit! just being the band they are is enough sometimes. None of these tracks really stood out and grabbed me and if this is your first time getting into this band you should probably put this aside and grab their first few records(especially the LP). Unless your a fanatic/collector of this bands work you could probably skip this til later. I still love these guys and am always happy when they crank out new records though.

Summary: Its not groundbreaking stuff on either side but the combination of these two bands works really well and is a nice break from doom and gloom. I'm actually really into the artwork as well.

Snuffy Smiles/Small Pool records.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Slices-Modern bride 7"

Slices are back and with their 2nd LP on the horizon they present to us Modern Bride. Slices has more than one trick up their sleeve, they can cover a lot of ground as a band and are not afraid to experiment. I spoke briefly with some of them on their west coast tour with IRON LUNG and from what they told me the next Lp(STILL CRUISING) is going to be all over the place, needless to say I was excited.

Both Tracks on Modern Bride are close in sound. Most of the hardcore elements that were present on the first 2 Slices records are almost completely gone, There is still plenty of bite on this record but its closer to a rock vibe. The title track is an up beat banger that brings to mind PISSED JEANS but still retains that Slices harshness that I think makes them the band they are. The B-side is more on the mid temp side with even more of a rock vibe, but still sounds like it could of been on the last LP.

All and all This is a great single but we all know this band can do more, so i guess we will have to wait til STILL CRUISING drops to get the full Slices experience.

Kemado Records.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Night Birds- Midnight Movies 7"

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am not a huge fan of the surf/skate punk thing. Granted there are a few exceptions I usually don't go for this kind of stuff. Night Birds are one of those exceptions. It's the combination of the bands musical chops and vibrant energy that just makes everything they do seem explosive. Midnight Movies is their 3rd 7" and is my favorite so far because it shows that these guys know exactly what they are doing, the songs are tight and they have shaped their sound perfectly.

The title track Midnight Movies takes up the A-side and showcases everything these guys are about and wreaks of a retro surf vibe. The B-side is made up of 3 short songs that lean more towards the hardcore side and come off with a lot of bite and that energy i was talking about earlier really comes alive.

To me this is one of the only bands playing right now that can pull this sound off. Night Birds are perfect for fans of Agent Orange, The Ergs and Older Descendents. Pick up this 7" from any distro and keep your ear to the ground for their up coming LP.

Midnight Movies was released on NO WAY records.

Monday, June 20, 2011


More reviews are on the horizon. Been bored of the blog in the months past but I am anxiously awaiting new records to arrive and look forward to ranting about them. Stay tuned.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Crazy Spirit-Im Dead 7"

Crazy Spirit's new 7" is not unlike their debut as far as sound goes but shows improvement. "I'm dead" is a re-recorded song off the demo and the two on the B-side are brand new. The band loses none of its ferocity and roughness and everything transfers to vinyl fluidly. All their quirky/weird traits are still present and I am sure this will be known as their signature in the near future. A great listen with a high replay value. Band still gives goosebumps. If you haven't caught them on their west coast tour already be sure to do so.

Released on MATA LA MUSICA DISCOS. Buy it wherever you can find it.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hoax-s/t 7"

Hoax is a band I have heard a lot about the past few months, and despite everything I have heard about them I still never checked them out. I'm actually glad that I walked into this blind though, having no idea what this band sounded like made hearing them for the first time as intense as it should of been. When "Fagget" blasted into my headphones it was quite a surprise. Hoax isn't the typical hardcore band I was thinking they would be and these four tracks show just as much potential as the debut SLICES 7" did.

A very fierce debut 7" and excellent follow up to their demo. Hoax did this record right, each song different from the last but the record still works as a whole and has nods to hardcore greats as well as other influences.

A split release from Deranged Records and Katorga Works.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Career Suicide-Cherry Beach 7"

Finally a proper release of Career Suicide's obscure UK tour single! Cherry beach has been in the works for what seems like a couple years now, and now that its here I couldn't be happier with how it came out.

For those of you who don't know, the original version of this record was released for the bands UK/Ireland tour and all 300 copies pressed sold out within the tours duration. Sometime shortly after this a bootleg was pressed and it too sold out quite fast. Both records are sought after by CS fans and collector scum alike. Now thanks to Dirtnap records a new version is back on the market.

For this version the band keeps the title track and the song "Double Life" but ditches the Cuby and the Blizzards cover(sad i know). In the place of the cover the band gave us two brand new tracks "Means To No End" and "Things Take A Turn".

Every track on here is 100% pure Career Suicide greatness, yes this record is a departure from the sound that made the band popular but this new(mid tempo) style fits the band like a glove and still wreaks of hardcore and punk legendry. So yes this record is a MUST HAVE for everyone, and all though I am glad I could finally get my hands on some form of this release it only makes me want the original even more.

Released by Dirtnap Records. Red vinyl is OUT OF PRINT. Black is still available.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

These Are The Voices In The Back Of Your Head-V/A CS


This is probably the best comp i have heard in quite some time, not one bad song on the whole thing. Bands from all over deliver their own style of punk and hardcore and all the while the tape doesn't skip a beat and everything sounds great. From Raw Nerve pumping out 2 hardcore scorches like nobody else can to Rayos X jamming out a traditional sounding punk tune. Comp has got it all.

Housed in unique cardboard covers with a fold out insert. Released by Not Normal Tapes.

Francis Harold And The Holograms-Hang The Goat

I can't believe I missed this but the last post was post number 77, PUNK. I should of just stopped right there. Anyways...The Holograms, another 7" from the self proclaimed kings of hardcore weirdness. Now I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the LP was their finest hour, not that the stuff before it was bad but it just seems(like most bands) that they were working towards something and then they reached the pinnacle with the LP. HANG THE GOAT isn't a terrible single but I know that this band has the chops to do better. The A-side is catchy but just seems to fall flat and when the b-side tries to come off unsettling it just seems like old tricks.

I haven't completely written Francis Harold off though, with so many releases out some shine less then others i suppose. This band probably has big plans for the future and there success will probably continue throughout their career.

Released by who else but Going Under Ground records. Multiple limited colors for all.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

White Load-My Wall 7"

More shitty sloppy punk, i guess its that kind of day. 2nd 7" from White Load, doesn't really mark any progress for the band but its another good set of songs in the same vein as the first record. The track ENDLESS BUMMER takes the cake on this one though, beats out the title track even.

I think I keep buying this bands records in the hopes that one day they will be as obscure and cool as the VILE lp but that will probably never happen. If you're into the kind of acts that play HORRIBLE FEST then this band is right up your alley though. Wow, I probably just put more effort into this review then White load did putting this record together.

Cider-3rd Reichord

Cider returns when we need them the most. Simple stripped down punk made to induce vomiting and chair throwing. Cider truly reflects their environment and this record is as ugly and shitty as Cleveland is. Don't think I need to add anything more to this review...if you are expecting something meaningful you should probably skip this record.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Iceage-New Brigade LP

Holy shit this thing is nuts. These young Copenhagen boys knocked out an instant classic that the punk and hardcore community has not seen the likes of in a very long time. Raw aggression never sounded so beautiful. Visceral and dark tracks like WHITE RUNE and TOTAL DRENCH bring to mind the likes of Christian Death. Then stopping on a dime and switching the mood Iceage pull pop tracks like YOUR BLESSED out of the blue. Each song differs from the last and though there are many different elements of past groups NEW BRIGADE still sounds very refreshing. A must hear for everyone everywhere.

Iceage will not soon be forgotten.

Originally released on Escho, Dais Records brings us the U.S. press including 2 bonus tracks. Fantastic layout and cover art to boot.

White Walls-The Milk Of A Lonely Man 7"

Whats with all these bands with "White" in their name lately? White Walls has put out 4(?) tapes over the past year or so all of which I have not heard. So I cannot fairly say what kind of progress the band has made or not. Their Debut 7" just dropped about a week ago and I have finally got around to giving it a listen and it did not disappoint.

White Walls offer awkward and uncomfortable noise rock mixed with a little hardcore not unlike PISSED JEANS or CONDOMINIUM, all though the latter has more hardcore influences. Point is White Walls bring something of their own to the table to make an interesting blend or style. The first track fuses creepy crawly vocals, driving bass, and atmospheric noises. While the B-side is just a straight up banger that is over before you know it.

A pretty good debut 7" if you ask me a great and interesting A-side with a B-side thats ready to party. Released By Video Disease Records limited to 100 on blue vinyl.

Monday, April 4, 2011

White Wards-S/T 7"

White Wards play out of (Back To)Olympia WA and have for some time now. I saw them play about a couple years ago and remember not thinking too much of their set, it wasn't terrible but it also wasn't anything to write home about. Recently they toured the west with CONDOMINIUM and i can say that White Wards has definitely stepped up their live act. It was louder, the singer was a little more spastic and it was just overall uncompromising. So i picked up the tour version of their 7" on IRON LUNG.

I never listened to their demo but this debut 7" isn't that bad, like their live show it shows that this band may be able to do something great down the line. I feel that this record is what you would call a modern take on the classics, its got feedback and some unpredictable stops here and there but the songs that i found myself liking the most where the songs that sounded familiar.

So i wouldn't say this is a BAD record but its no original nor is it a masterpiece by any means. I will say again though that White Wards may have what it takes to surprise us all one day, all the elements are there, high speeds, dragging breakdowns and a manic atmosphere. It's just a matter of putting a little more of yourself into what you do i guess.

Released on IRON LUNG records.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Crime Desire-Alone In A Dream 12"

The sequel to last years EVERYDAY IN CHAINS. Crime Desire deliver more death rock inspired hardcore that will leave you breathless. 5 songs this time around a few scorchers and a couple of slower songs that showcase the bands signature warmth and slightly goth atmosphere. Its safe to say this band has found their niche, but every release still leaves me excited to see whats next, ALONE IN A DREAM is no exception.

A split release from Life's A Rape and Gravity Records.

Yadokai-S/T 7"

Fantastic disconnected hardcore. The debut 7" from this bay area super group does not disappoint. Hidden within the white noise and feedback are 4 punishing tunes. Always frantic and never predictable. The band pulls influence from Japanese hardcore as well as their own more current bands, creating a close to perfect blend of old and new. Ugly hardcore done right.

Video Disease Records spared no expense on the packaging as the covers and inserts are of great quality.